Tuesday 23 August 2011

Monday 15 August 2011

Germination Seen in Gourds, Sweet Corn & Beetroot

Germination Seen in Gourds, Sweet Corn & Beetroot

Yellowing of Tomato Leaves & Death of the plant

Suddenly the leaves of the Tomato plant turns yellow and within 2 days the plants dies. It had about 70 green Tomatos in various stages of Growth

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Further Seed Sowing & Bio fertilizer

Sown seeds of Bittergourd, Bottlegourd, Ridge Gourd, Sweet Corn, Beans, Bhendi & Beetroot. Hoping for good germination & added bio fertilizer to all vegetable pots.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Neem Oil on Bhendi Plants

Sprayed neem oil on bhendi plants as they seem to have white flies. do not know if it will work

Colour Capsicum

Transplanted colour capsicum into 13 pots . Do not know the colours. Got the seedlings for office yesterday

More Pots !!!

30 More pots got for kitchen garden yesterday along with seeds for planting.

SeaWeed Extract

Sea weed Extract 1.5 ml per litre sprayed on plants.

Friday 5 August 2011

Tomato Branch Broken

Tomato branch broken due to heavy rains and weight of fruits. Mistake of not staking. 25 Tomatos lost and may be more as it was still flowering

Vermicompost added

Vermicompost added to soil of all the pots of vegetables

Thursday 28 July 2011

Ground Pepper Powder

Sprinkled ground Black Pepper powder to Tomato, Chilli, Brinjal & Capsicum plants which is supposed to keep away leaf chewing insects

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Neem Oil sprayed on Chilli & Capsicum plants

Kitchen Gardening - beginning of a New Hobby

 Germination seen in Bhendi & Garlic

 Germination seen in Coriander
Noticed fruits of tomato, Chilly & Capsicum & open flower in Brinjal

Sown Garlic pods in 1 pot (4 pods)

Sown Bhendi  Seeds in 3 Pots (7 seeds)

Urea put by mali. Germination seen in Spinach

Planted Pudina cutting

Shifted 16 pots to terrace and planted 12 pots of Spinach Calcutta & 7 pots of Coriander Multi Cut in the morning.. Remaining pots shifted by Mahadevappa.
Added Vermi compost to all 20 pots of vegetable pots ( 5 each of Capsicum, Chilly, Brinjal & Tomato). Seeding got about  a month back from IAHS

Got 20 pots from IAHS  to home and 1 pack each seeds of  Spinach Calcutta & Coriander Multi Cut
 20 pots ( 5 each of Capsicum, Chilly, Brinjal & Tomato) with 1 month seedlings got IAHS